Learn all about

Noah's Ark Society

For Physical Mediumship

The society worked in support of physical mediumship for fifteen years

Within these pages you will learn how they supported physical mediums, held seminars, reached out all around the world in support of this incredible phenomenon.

15 Years of
Support and sharing

Read About

Noah Zerdin

Who was he?  Why was this society named after him?  Find out more….

NAS Guidelines Booklet

NAS Society issued guidlines for physical circles - you will find them here for you to read.

Content & Indicies

We have a comprehensive index of all editions of the NAS Review. Search be topic, by medium or by issue.

The Review Archive

Every edition of the NAS Review can be found here for you to read.

Modern Day Guide to the Development and Safe Practice of Physical Mediumship


The Difference Between Mental Mediumship and Physical Mediumship

This is by far the most common form of mediumship in the world today, and it occurs when a medium sees (Clairvoyance), hears (Clairaudience) or senses (Clairsentience) a spirit communicator.

The other style of mediumship, which to this Society is the most important type. Physical phenomena is very real, and everybody present can actually see and hear what is going on.

Read About

Different forms of Phenomena

So who are the pioneers of Physical Mediumship?

Do you understand the different forms of phenomena?

What is Materialisation, Transfiguration, Trumpet or Independent Voice, Apports, Psychic Surgery, Psychic Photography or E.V.P.?

Learning and Respecting

Pioneers of the Past

We should never forget our roots

A special thank you to Lew Sutton for his extremely hard work and dedication in scanning, indexing and making these journals available.

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